We know that our clients' ability to maintain their independence, remain in familiar surroundings, and engage socially benefits their physical and mental health. And we work hard to find the best care plan and innovative solutions to help seniors stay in their own homes.

Some people may benefit from the help of a home care aide, housekeeper, or helper with daily living activities. Whatever your needs are, our caregivers are dependable and dedicated to making your life easier. Our services can be customized to meet your specific requirements, such as:

  • Meal preparation
  • Light housekeeping
  • Bathing and grooming
  • Transportation
  • Companionship
  • Alzheimer's and dementia treatment

Based on your loved one's needs, we will create a care plan just for them. We will also match your loved one with the best caregiver for his or her care. Comfort Keepers accepts Long-Term Care Insurance.

Home Care

As our loved ones age, it becomes increasingly important to ensure they receive the care and support they need to maintain their quality of life. In-home care for seniors offers a solution that allows them to stay in the comfort of their own homes while receiving personalized attention. At Comfort Keepers, we understand the unique needs and challenges faced by the elderly and are committed to providing compassionate care that promotes well-being and independence. 

One key factor of in-home care for seniors is the importance of companionship and social interaction. Many seniors experience feelings of loneliness and isolation, especially if they have limited mobility or live far away from family and friends. In-home care from Comfort Keepers not only assists with day-to-day tasks but also offers invaluable companionship. Our caregivers are trained to engage in meaningful conversations, participate in activities, and provide emotional support, helping seniors feel connected and less isolated. Studies have shown that regular social interaction can improve cognitive function, alleviate depression, and enhance overall well-being in seniors.

Comfort Keepers understands the struggles of caring for a family member with Alzheimer's or dementia, and we want to help! We create an individualized care plan to engage clients in intellectual, physical, and emotional interactions to improve the quality of life for both the seniors and their families. 

Care after a hospital stay is critical to senior's physical recovery and emotional wellbeing, especially for those who live at home!  Comfort Keepers can help your senior loved one transition from a hospital stay or time and a rehabilitation center safely and efficiently.  Our caregivers provide in-home senior care custom to your loved one's needs while they recover.

Alzheimer's & Dementia Care

Post-Hospitalization Care


Transportation Services

We understand that maintaining independence as we age is important, so we can help with seniors who don't have the ability or desire to drive!  Our caregivers can ensure that your senior loved one can get to healthcare appointments, community events, and friendship gatherings safely.

24-Hour Care

In-home care can prevent emotional strain and also physical decline in you and your loved one.  24-Hour care can help with peace of mind while still allowing our senior clients to age independently where they feel most comfortable: Home.

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Committed to Your Loved One's Care

Give Us A Call Today:

981 N Mill St, Plymouth, MI 48170 

Our caregivers focus on promoting independence and maintaining a sense of dignity for those in their care. Seniors often fear losing their independence and relying on others for their daily needs. At Comfort Keepers, we recognize the significance of maintaining independence and autonomy for seniors. Our caregivers work closely with the elderly to create personalized care plans that prioritize their individual preferences and abilities. By assisting with tasks like bathing, dressing, and meal preparation, our caregivers empower seniors to maintain their independence while ensuring their safety and well-being. We firmly believe that everyone deserves to age with dignity and respect.

In-home care for seniors also addresses the importance of personalized care and attention. Every individual has unique needs and preferences, and a one-size-fits-all approach to senior care often falls short. Comfort Keepers recognizes the importance of personalized care and goes above and beyond to tailor our services to meet the specific needs of each senior. 

Whether it's medication reminders, specialized dementia care, or providing transportation for medical appointments, our caregivers are trained to provide compassionate and individualized care that ensures seniors receive the attention they deserve.